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missing "tax_id" on endpoint "Reads all Employees"

after switching from v1 to v2025-01-01 I noticed that the tax_id is missing in the response

Problemas con el consumo del API de Projects

Estamos presentando problemas con el servicio POST de projects.

Information available on the endpoint "Read all contracts versions"



No consigo hacer ir la paginación.

Inquiry about retrieving clock-in and clock-out times via API


access time tracking policy

is there a way to access the time tracking policy for employees?

Adding a break in shift_management/shifts

I am using the shift_management/shifts module

Publish Shifts through API

How can i publish the created shifts through the API? I was able to in v1 but now there is no method for it?

Department details through factorial API

How to get all employees department data through API? The specific keyword to get department is not available in API document

API Check-in Automation - 403 Forbidden on Shift Endpoints

I’m testing the API to automate the check-in of working hours for the current day. Could you clarify the difference between:
• /resources/shift_management/shifts
• /resources/attendance/shifts