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Is it possible to connect to Factorial database con PowerBI for reporting purposes?

/custom_fields/values not working properly

Hello, i noticed that /custom_fields/values is not working properly. In my case, i have a function that gives me a certain custom field but a day ago it started to give me a different custom field as a result.


Get employee_id from the token

I'm trying to get the leaves of the employee who is doing the request, but I need the employee_id, which I don't know how to get.


Getting employees attendance via API

Hello, I want to get employees attendance via API but I do not find the proper function. Would be possible to get employee attendance via API?


Custom fields for employees not available through API

As an admin user I am retrieving the employees information through the API to sync it with our current system; but I do not get all the extended fields we have added (custom fields) to the employee record.


402 Forbidden access to a paid resource

I'm getting this error. Can't find any reference on the guides or reference about that.


Access token is generated but cannot retrieve data as it gives a 403 Forbidden Error

I was able to generate an access token for my application but I cannot retrieve any data from the APIs as it pops up an error 403 Forbidden. Can someone help me to resolve this error, Thanks in advance


Authoriation code for API

Hello I am creating a bot to automate a few functionalities with Factorial. I get the authorization code from the Oauth application page as specified in the documentation: