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API reference tips - Version 2

Time off allowances incidence

Allowances it's a counter inside a time off policy.

Each counter will have an ID obtained from this endpoint: https://apidoc.factorialhr.com/reference/get_api-v2-resources-timeoff-allowances

For example: "id": 178281, "name": "Autorización de ausencias",

Now, the allowance incidence shows the manual adjustments done in each employee time off. The endpoint will share the employee ID, the allowance and the ID of that time off adjustment done by them.

Video with the explanation

How can I create a new document (POST)? Version 2

You need to make sure to complete the minimum information to create a new document in Factorial.

-Public: Should documents be public or not?

-Space: Where this document should be placed?

If inside a folder, we need to place this in a folder ID in "Folder_id" property. You can obtain the list of folder IDs in the endpoint "Documents> Folder"

-Is_pending_assignment: Does this need to be pending in the employee profile? Yes/No

-Author_id: The author ID will be the Access ID of the employee that sent this document. This access ID is in the "Employee> Employee"

-Company_id: You can obtain this field from Legal entity endpoint

-Signee_ids: The signee_ID is the employee that will receive this document and has to sign the document as well. This will be the access_ID of the employee that has to sign the document. You can obtain this from "Employee> Employee"

Where we can GET the job titles?

All job titles are posted in Contract versions endpoints.

Remember that each employee can have several contract versions in Factorial. So, you need to GET the last contract version of each employee to make sure you have the latest job title.


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