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We are happy to announce the new v2024-10-01 (Fibonacci) version has been released. This is the first versioned release of the v2 API. Most of the API remains the same, with updated endpoint paths.

As you know, our versions are named as famous numeric series. In mathematics, the Fibonacci sequence is a sequence in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones.
The Fibonacci series has rapid growth, just like this version, which includes, among other things, the following changes:

The most relevant parts are Performance endpoints and webhooks, which are new in this version. Other additions are workplace information in EmployeeUpdates, Shift name information in ShiftManagement, as well as other improvements in Attendance, Expenses, Training, Tasks, and Project Management resources.

Don't miss out on the news it brings and read the detailed Changelog

In these last quarter, we have driven the Factorial's public API to first class. We have set the foundations for a fully stable and versioned public API. This means we have set the following changes:

Stabilizing version v2

V2 version has been in the oven for several months. Last July, we started to publish in v2 everything missing from v1. All the functionality in v1 must be now available in v2. If this is not the case, please contact us and let us know

We finally released v2 version at the beginning of September, deprecating v1 version

Versioned v2: 2024-10-01 and next

But we didn't stop here. Factorial's product teams move fast. They are constantly improving to deliver value to our clients. And the public API improves with them. Many of the new features are exposed to the public API, so our clients and developer partners can use them and bring more value to our users.

On the other hand, we know that public API consumers have their own pace. Keeping up to date with Factorial's API changes is probably not the first thing on their ToDO list.

This is why we are introducing API versioning in our v2 public API version. Every quarter, we are evolving our v2 version to new releases, without losing backwards compatibility within a year. This way, we give our API consumers enough time to adapt to new changes, while our product teams evolve fast.

Upgrading to newer versions should be must easy, just changing the paths most of the time. We will be publishing a detailed changelog, like 2024-10-01 Release Notes so clients and partners are able to easily upgrade.

Deprecating v1

Our v1 version has served us well for years, but it has several flaws and we need to move on. V1 version will keep working until April 1st, 2025. Afterward, it will be removed. Working webhooks will be automatically migrated to v2.

2024-10-01 Release Notes

by Mara Chimeno Cano

Attendance > Open shift


Modified Field employee_id type has been changed to list of numbers and renamed to employee_ids - Employee ids to filter the open shifts by.

Employees > Employee


New Field disability_percentage_cents has been added - officially certified level of disability granted by public administration for individuals with physical or mental impairments, expressed in cents


New Field disability_percentage_cents has been added - officially certified level of disability granted by public administration for individuals with physical or mental impairments, expressed in cents

EmployeeUpdates > New hire


New Field workplace_id has been added - workplace id of the employee.

EmployeeUpdates > Personal change


New Field workplace_id has been added - workplace id of the employee.

Expenses > Expensable


Modified Field group_id type has been changed to list of numbers and renamed to group_ids - __


New Field per_diem has been added - __

Expenses > Mileage


New Field round_trip has been added - Indicates if the mileage is a round trip

Performance > Agreement

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint


New Field self_comments has been added - Self comments by question

New Field manager_comments has been added - Manager comments by question

New Field self_evaluation_id has been added - Self review evaluation ID

New Field manager_evaluation_id has been added - Manager review evaluation ID

Removed Field reviewer_access_id has been removed - __

Removed Field manager_questionnaire has been removed - __

Removed Field self_questionnaire has been removed - __

Performance > Review Evaluation

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

Performance > Review Evaluations Answer

New Endpoint

Performance > Review Owner

New Endpoint

New Endpoint


Performance > Review Processes

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

Performance > Review Process Estimated Targets

New Endpoint

Performance > Review Process Targets

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

Performance > Review Questionnaire By Strategies

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

Performance > Review Visibility Setting

New Endpoint

New Endpoint

ProjectManagement > Project


New Field client_ids has been added - Retrieve only the projects that are related to the client passed in the request.


New Field client_id has been added - The client id of the project

ProjectManagement > Project task


New Field exclude_assignees has been added - Set this to true if you want to exclude assignees from the duplicated tasks

New Field subproject_id has been added - Subproject id where the tasks will be duplicated

ProjectManagement > Project worker


Removed Field labor_cost_currency has been removed - __

ShiftManagement > Shift


New Field name has been added - __


New Field name has been added - Name of the shift

Tasks > Task


New Field involvee_id has been added - retrieve tasks where the user is affectee or assignee

Timeoff > Allowance stat


Modified Field reference_date is now mandatory - __

Trainings > Training


New Field with_expired_memberships has been added - __


New Field objectives has been added - Objectives of the course


New Field objectives has been added - Objectives of the course

New Field number_of_expired_participants has been added - Number of participants that have the course expired or about to expire in the next 3 months. Only applicable to trainings with validity period.

Trainings > Training membership


Modified Field training_completion_date has been renamed to training_completed_at - This field is used to record the date a training was completed for trainings that have an expiry date.



New Field disability_percentage_cents has been added - officially certified level of disability granted by public administration for individuals with physical or mental impairments, expressed in cents


New Field disability_percentage_cents has been added - officially certified level of disability granted by public administration for individuals with physical or mental impairments, expressed in cents


New Field disability_percentage_cents has been added - officially certified level of disability granted by public administration for individuals with physical or mental impairments, expressed in cents


New Field disability_percentage_cents has been added - officially certified level of disability granted by public administration for individuals with physical or mental impairments, expressed in cents


New Field disability_percentage_cents has been added - officially certified level of disability granted by public administration for individuals with physical or mental impairments, expressed in cents

New Webhook

New Webhook

New Webhook

New Webhook

New Webhook

New Webhook

New Webhook

New Webhook

New Webhook

New Webhook

New Webhook

New Webhook


New Field name has been added - Name of the shift


New Field name has been added - Name of the shift


New Field name has been added - Name of the shift


New Field objectives has been added - Objectives of the course

New Field number_of_expired_participants has been added - Number of participants that have the course expired or about to expire in the next 3 months. Only applicable to trainings with validity period.


New Field objectives has been added - Objectives of the course

New Field number_of_expired_participants has been added - Number of participants that have the course expired or about to expire in the next 3 months. Only applicable to trainings with validity period.


New Field objectives has been added - Objectives of the course

New Field number_of_expired_participants has been added - Number of participants that have the course expired or about to expire in the next 3 months. Only applicable to trainings with validity period.


New Field objectives has been added - Objectives of the course

New Field number_of_expired_participants has been added - Number of participants that have the course expired or about to expire in the next 3 months. Only applicable to trainings with validity period.


New Field objectives has been added - Objectives of the course

New Field number_of_expired_participants has been added - Number of participants that have the course expired or about to expire in the next 3 months. Only applicable to trainings with validity period.


New Field objectives has been added - Objectives of the course

New Field number_of_expired_participants has been added - Number of participants that have the course expired or about to expire in the next 3 months. Only applicable to trainings with validity period.

Hello webhooks!

by Marc Torrelles

Since today, we have enabled webhooks to subscribe to events that take place in Factorial. You can check the webhooks API documentation here.

Right now we just have a trigger, which calls you when an employee is invited to your company.

Be sure to check this documentation since we plan to launch more webhooks in the near future!

Welcome to the developer hub and documentation for factorial! We just launched the first version of our public API.

The Factorial API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

Make sure to regularly check the changelog, as we will be continuously improving the Factorial API, always keeping in mind retro compatibility through versioning.

To start using the API head over to our Getting Started guide.