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How does it work?

This page contains information about how pagination works in this api

It is important to note that pagination is applied by default for every request, with a set limit of 100 items per request when no pagination limit parameter is present. This limit of 100 is also the max limit per request.

The public API provides two methods of pagination - offset and cursor.

Offset Pagination

This type of pagination is based on page numbers and a page limit. In order to request this kind of pagination, the request must contain the following parameters:

  • limit: This is the page limit or page size. It's equivalent to saying "Fetch me only {{limit}} items". It is of type Integer. If it is above the max limit or absent, we would default to using the max limit.
  • page: This is the page whose data is being requested. eg. page 2. It is of type Integer.

A typical offset pagination request would look something like this

GET `.../users?limit=10&page=2

The query result would have meta information required to make subsequent requests:

  "meta": {
        "has_next_page": true,
        "has_previous_page": false,
        "total": 85,
        "limit": 10
  "data": [...]

The total value in the metadata makes it possible to compute the number of pages required to totally showcase the data, based on the limit.

Cursor Pagination

This is the default pagination type for our API. This type of pagination moves to and from a page via the use of a cursor. The following terms are worthy of note:

  • limit: This is the page limit or page size. It's equivalent to saying "Fetch me only {{limit}} items". It is of type Integer. If it is above the max limit or absent, we would default to using the max limit.
  • after_id: This is the id that serves as the pointer for a request. Only items after this id would be fetched.
  • before_id: This is also an id that serves as the pointer for a request. Only items before this id would be fetched.

A typical cursor pagination request would look something like this

GET `.../users?limit=10&after_id=MTY=

The query result would have meta information required to make subsequent requests:

  "meta": {
        "has_next_page": true,
        "has_previous_page": false,
        "total": 85,
        "limit": 10
  "data": [...]

You can choose to go either forward or backward on a page, by indicating an after_id or a before_id. The first request, however, just requires thelimit (ie. how many items you intend to fetch).