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Adding a break in shift_management/shifts

I am using the shift_management/shifts module

Publish Shifts through API

How can i publish the created shifts through the API? I was able to in v1 but now there is no method for it?

Department details through factorial API

How to get all employees department data through API? The specific keyword to get department is not available in API document

API Check-in Automation - 403 Forbidden on Shift Endpoints

I’m testing the API to automate the check-in of working hours for the current day. Could you clarify the difference between:
• /resources/shift_management/shifts
• /resources/attendance/shifts

API results data fecthing issue

Why i am able to fetch only 100 entries by using employees API, legal entity and contract version API ??? Is there any solution to fix this issue ?

Integration with Hikvision Access Control

Can Factorial work with hikvision terminals?

Time tracking policies?

I need to know what time tracking policy an employee is related to and how the breaks are configured for that policy, but I'm struggling to find that in the rest API. Is it available?

Termination reason

When terminating an employee in Factorial, there is a drop-down menu to select the termination reason and a text box below to give more details. How can I access this data in the API? The termination_reason and termination_obvervations fields in the employees/employees endpoint do not contain this information and the employee_updates/terminations endpoint does not return any data.

Webhook not working?

I'm working on a integration to Factorial but I have some issues with the webhook. I have webhooks active for Timeoff>Leave>Creates, Approves, Deletes, Updates but the only one that triggers are the Delete one. Any idea why? Is there any other settings that needs to be activated for this to be working?

MarketPlace > Setting is not working
