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Get expense categories

Is possible to get the full list of all the categories that can be associated to an expense? <https://apidoc.factorialhr.com/v2.0/reference/get_api-v2-resources-expenses-expenses>

Planning breaks for shifts

When i insert a shift, i want to insert it with a non-paid lunch break, is there a way i could do that?

"Try it!" function not working.

Dear Factorial, I have a quick question regarding the "test it" functionality on your API documentation page. When we check our API key and enter it into the required fields to test the connection and view results, the main "try it" button goes into a loop without providing any results. This issue occurs on any browser, any PC, and with multiple API keys created, even though I am an admin of our Factorial version. I have also tried all the APIs present in the documentation with the correct values, but the "try it" button still goes into a loop. This issue has persisted for about two months, and it would be helpful to know if this function is not working, so I can stop trying to use it. Best regards, Ivan V.

Is there any option to embed or integrate job application forms?

Hello, I've been reading the Factorial docs trying to find a way to embed a job application form in the website of one of our clients but I haven't found a way to do that. Is this feature available? If there's no way to do this at the moment, are you planning to include an endpoint in the v2 of your API to deal with the hiring process? I've seen in another discussion post that you are working on the new version and it will be helpful to know it and to also know when it will be public. Thanks in advance!

/custom_fields/values not working properly

Hello, i noticed that /custom_fields/values is not working properly. In my case, i have a function that gives me a certain custom field but a day ago it started to give me a different custom field as a result. I used the API reference page and the same error happened. Thanks.