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Dear Factorial,


Error en endpoint reference_contracts

Hola. Al parecer recientemente habéis realizado algún cambio en vuestra API que ha impactado el endpoint https://api.factorialhr.com/api/v1/payroll/reference_contracts, desde entonces al hacer uso de la misma, no está devolviendo datos como los recibia anteriormente y en su lugar devuelve:


Sample Payload Webhook Employees::Events::EmployeeUpdated

What information does the webhook Employees::Events::EmployeeUpdated convey? Can we see old and new values?


Filter received employee fields

As an admin, I get too much information from employees for some of the uses we make of the /core/employees enpoint, which in a distributed system with full monitoring is a problem when it comes to maintaining data privacy. It would be great to add a fields column where to indicate a list of the necessary fields, which in our case, most of the requests to this endpoint only need first_name, last_name and email.


Uploaded documents are not sent to signer

This is related to: https://docs.factorialhr.com/discuss/6194f3505e85430065f3f3a5
With the new update, we can finally upload a file to the user folder. However, it is not automatically sent to sign.

Is there any option to embed or integrate job application forms?



Fotografía empleado

Actualmente el api no devuelve este dato. La foto del emplezado. ¿Tenéis pensado incorporarlo próximamente?


Puesto/cargo del empleado

¿En qué API se obtiene el puesto del empleado?


I need to communicate with the programmers of this software

I need to create a software like this for distribution