I need to communicate with the programmers of this software
I need to create a software like this for distribution
Forbidden clock_in
Hello, I'm trying to post an entry time using the clock_in endpoint but I get an 403 Forbidden error.
CORS issue
Having CORS issue with the API. Factorial doesn't provide Access-Control-Allow-Origin Header on the response.
Fichar con sistemas biométricos y teletrabajo
Hola a todos.
Es posible conectarse a la base de datos Factorial con PowerBI para fines de informes
Buenos dias, necesitamos acceder a Factorial desde PowerBi con el fin de poder sacar informes de personal y poder cruzarlos con otros datos
Is it possible to connect to Factorial database con PowerBI for reporting purposes?
/custom_fields/values not working properly
Hello, i noticed that /custom_fields/values is not working properly. In my case, i have a function that gives me a certain custom field but a day ago it started to give me a different custom field as a result.
Get employee_id from the token
I'm trying to get the leaves of the employee who is doing the request, but I need the employee_id, which I don't know how to get.
Getting employees attendance via API
Hello, I want to get employees attendance via API but I do not find the proper function. Would be possible to get employee attendance via API?
Custom fields for employees not available through API
As an admin user I am retrieving the employees information through the API to sync it with our current system; but I do not get all the extended fields we have added (custom fields) to the employee record.