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Reads all Exportable projects

What does it do?

This generates the exports type "Project's total time tracked" or the "Project's total time tracked by date" depending on the params passed in the request. You can can select which projects' info to export or to export all the projects, also you will be able to select in which time_format you want to present the minutes worked on projects. Take into account that It's mandatory to pass start_date and end_date to defined a date range from which the information will be exported.

What params does it accept?
  • start_date: is mandatory to pass a start date to generate export.
  • end_date: is mandatory to pass an end date to generate export.
  • project_ids: optional. It will generate an export only with the info of the projects required.
  • time_format: optional, we can pass the format of time the export will be showing. The values accepted have to be:
    • 'minutes': The export will be generated in CSV, and the hours will be render in minutes. Example: 10.5667 (mm).
    • 'hours and minutes': The export will be generated in Excel, and the hours will be render hours with decimals. Example: 14:35:00 (hh:mm:ss).
    • 'hours': The export will be generated in Excel, and the hours will be render in hours with decimals. Example: 8.17
  • include_date: optional.
    • If true: Will be equal to choose: Project's total time tracked by date export type in the UI. Which means that the information exported will include every date which is contained in the date range passed in the request.
    • If false: Will be equal to choose: Project's total time tracked export type in the UI.
Who can use it?

Only companies who have enabled the projects_management feature and users with the permission of read projects.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!