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Creates a Project

What does it do?

This creates a new project. By default, the project will be created with the status active.

What body params do you need?
  • name: is mandatory to pass a name of the project.
  • code: optional unique code for the project to be identifiable and searchable.
  • start_date: optional start date for the project. If given must be in iso-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
  • due_date: optional due date for the project. If given must be in iso-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
  • status: a project can have the status active or closed. By default, the project will be created with the status active.
  • employees_assignment: optional param to define the kind of assignation the project has. Its possible values are: [manual, company]. A project can have manual assignation or can be defined to be assigned to the whole company. Defaults to manual.
Who can use it?

Only companies who have enabled the projects_management feature and users with the permission of create projects.

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