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Bulk processes a Time record

What does it do?

This versatile endpoint allows for the creation, update, or deletion of a time record associated with an attendance_shift_id. To achieve this, provide an array of items with the following structure:

    "time_record_id": number | null,
    "attendance_shift_id": number | null,
    "project_worker_id": number | null,
    "subproject_id": number | null
  • If no time_record_id provided, a created will be performed with the other data that will be required (except for subproject_id, that is always optional).
  • If `time_record_id but no other data provided, then the action will be a delete.
  • If time_record_id and more data, then it's an update.

Please note: The relationship between time_record and attendance_shift is unique. In the provided array of items, if two items have exactly the same attendance_shift_id, only the last action specified will be executed, unless the first action is a delete and the second one an update.

Who can use it?

Only companies who have enabled the projects_management feature.

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