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Creates a Project task

What does it do?

This creates a new project task. It will also create a new normal task in the system linked with the project task.

What body params do you need?
  • name: is mandatory to pass a name of the project task.
  • project_id: is mandatory to pass the project_id where the task belongs.
  • status: project task status. 'To do' by default.
  • content: (optional) content of the project task.
  • starts_on: (optional) date when starts the project task.
  • follow_up: (optional) boolean - if true, status changes related to the project will notify the author.
  • due_on: (optional) the date when the project task will be due.
  • assignee_ids: (optional) array of ids of the assignees to the project task.
  • subproject_id: (optional) the id from the subproject where the project task belongs.
  • files: (optional) array of files that will be attached to the project task
Who can use it?

Only companies who have enabled the projects_management feature and users with the permission of create projects.

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