Reads a single Project worker

What does it do?

This endpoint reads and retrieves a list of project workers. You can utilize URL parameters to filter the results.

What params does it accept?
  • ids: retrieve only the project workers that matches the ids passed in the request.
  • project_ids: retrieve only the project workers that are assigned to the project_ids passed in the request.
  • subproject_ids: Retrieve only the time records related to any subproject_ids passed in the request.
  • no_subproject: retrieve only the project workers that are assigned to the project_ids passed in the request and are not assigned to any subproject.
  • employee_ids: retrieve only the project workers that includes any of the employee_ids passed in the request.
  • assigned: retrieve only the project workers that are assigned.
  • project_active: retrieve only the project workers that are assigned to active projects.
  • employee_name: retrieve only the project workers that includes the employee_name passed in the request.
  • include_inputed_minutes: if true we will perform the minutes calculations and will be return the total inputed_minutes. If the param is not passed in the request, its default value is FALSE so it will return inputed_minutes: 0 and we no minutes calculations will be performed.
  • updated_after: this parameter is needed to filter project workers created or updated after a date.
Is it related to other entities?

A project_worker is always related to a project and a employee. Only a project worker is able to add time to a project using the time_record entity.

Who can use it?

Only companies who have enabled the projects_management feature and users with the permission to read project workers.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!